Brainstorming, thinking ahead, and long-term planning

Fusang Heavy Engineering, while now in its infancy is getting set to begin maturing as a project.

Like any ongoing concern where one wants to see a certain outcome, one must envision the result.  Like a sculptor, the artist starts with the medium and works toward the finished sculpture s/he sees at the start.

One such real world example of this as it pertains to this topic is FHE’s in-development “scoundrel wing” ; “The Black Cogs”. 

While FHE is a niche player-group, we still want to appeal to players that don’t want to just run cargo, mine and help build starports.

So the thinking is like this:

I would say that as a group, players in the FHE group and those that associate with us “take the work seriously without taking ourselves seriously”

We are all kind of irreverent and offbeat.

Why not have a scoundrel wing that would appeal to players that want to pirate, warfight, commit assassinations and have fun blowing things up?

That goes without even mentioning the “pirate culture” and theme that quietly and not so quietly pervades Elite Dangerous.

Winding about to the point of this post would be to discuss another idea flittering around in my mind for after The Black Cogs Wing is up and doing damage:

Capricorni Interstellar Mechanics

The name and branding is Pre-Alpha Work-In-Progress

A science and research division.

No!  It would not, could not and is not intended to be a competitor to Cannon Research.  Those guys are in a league of their own several levels above mine.

This, in a practical sense, is more of a banner for members of the in-game group to wing and simply do some science and exploration.

As the Distant Worlds 3 Expedition forms out, this may be a project worth pursuit to get into place sooner than later .

FHE was always intended to be a do-it-all group with “Industry” , “Construction”, “Transport” as our core themes. As FHE grows and takes more of its true shape I see those themes as portable to other aspects of what we do.

So, I see a final vision of FHE as follows:

FHE being the capstone entity, glueing together other brand elements such as The Black Cogs, for the seedier, “dirty work” parts of being a commander in Elite Dangerous and Capricorni Interstellar Mechanics (WIP) for those who want to relish in the richness of simple discovery.

In order to realize these, FHE is in need of dedicated pilots to see the vision through.

Commanders wanting to discuss these matters further are welcome to DM @cmdr_knave on Twitter

I will try to elaborate and provide better detail to these thoughts and plans as I post entries to this blog.


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